What Can You Expect from the Rowsum-Metoree Alliance? More Than You Think!

rowsum & metoree

Table of Contents

Electronics and the Rowsum-Metoree Alliance: A Closer Look

Hey everyone, we’ve got some exciting news to share. We recently came across Metoree, a platform that’s making big waves in the electronics industry, and we’re really happy to be collaborating with them.

Metoree’s Directory and Our Spot on It

First things first, Metoree has an excellent directory for Boards & Circuit Boards suppliers. We’re proud to say that we’re listed there too. This directory is more than just a list; it’s a reliable resource for quality suppliers in the industry.

What Metoree Offers

But that’s not all. Metoree is more than just a directory; it’s a go-to place for all kinds of industrial products. Whether you’re looking for EMC solutions or thermal materials, they’ve got what you need.

Why This Matters to Us

So, why are we so keen on this partnership? It’s simple. It combines our strengths in PCB&PCBA manufacturing with Metoree’s wide range of products. This means more options and better quality for everyone involved.

Wrapping It Up

To sum it up, we’re just getting started with this partnership, and we’re excited about what’s to come. There’s a lot more in store, so keep an eye out for updates.


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Picture of Charles Zhang

Charles Zhang

Hi there, I'm Charles Zhang, with 6 years in PCB & PCBA manufacturing. Looking forward to sharing insights and tips from the industry. Join me as we explore this tech world together!

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